Sunday 22 March 2015


Happiness is like a disease and it’s contagious. It is not measurable, profitable, nor tradable. Happiness is an emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. Happiness is desirable in itself and never for the sake of something else. Happiness is something final and self sufficient. Happiness is something which brings smile on your face.

Happiness is spending Sunday with family. Today we find nuclear families everywhere. Momma and daddy are busy with their office task where as their children are busy with school and friends. The gap between each of them is increasing day by day thus affecting the family bondage. The family members leave behind closed doors as their memories.

We have a rule at home-- “Sunday is family day!” We have all meals together then spend times together. Sunday for us is meant to think less, feel more; Frown less, enjoy more; complain less and appreciate more. Sunday is meant to spend time snuggling in bed together, laughing, giggling, talking and playing games. Sunday ends with a toast of coco cola.

Happiness is spending time with boon companion. Friend is someone with whom you feel secured, cared, pampered and you need no relation or bondage to show your love and affection towards each other. I’m blessed to have some amazing personalities in my life as my friends. We enjoy spending most all of our time together.

We friends planned to spend an evening at restaurant. This is how we landed up at Pop Tate’s. We had an awesome time there. Happiness for us is sharing one sizzler amongst four. Happiness is one coco cola and four straws. Happiness has another definition when friends are in the picture. The way towards happiness should be accompanied with friends at your side.

Happiness is blogging. Blogging is exploring you. Blogging is the only way I have to explain my own life to myself.

Happiness is not only a feeling; it is a means to an end and the result of goodness. However, where and how happiness is found, varies among the different philosophies. As said, there is always a sunrise after a sunset similarly Happiness cannot exist without unhappiness.  Every man has a different perception of what their state of happiness is. The Bhagavad-Gita states that man will reach happiness by doing what he is expected to do, not what he necessarily wants to do. Happiness is what man makes it. No one can tell man what their true happiness is.

"Happiness is being free. 
Happiness is spending time with friends.
Happiness is sharing one sizzler.
Happiness is late night rides.
Happiness is birthday surprise.
Happiness is family time.
Happiness is everything that makes you feel awesome..."

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